my team was thrilled this morning to learn that our Socially Responsible Behaviour through Embodied Thinking (SORBET) Project has been featured in the 25th January 2021 issue of the schools-focussed newspaper IN. IN is a publication of the Singapore Press Holdings (SPH).
we were interviewed a while back, but we did not wish to get our hopes up, knowing the vagaries of editorial schedules under the best of circumstances, leave alone in the context of the ongoing pandemic.
the Straits Times schools department launched in 2005 with a mission to engage young readers with stories about them. IN accompanies the Straits Times (which is Singapore's main English broadsheet) to secondary schools each week. IN is designed:
- to be in tune with young Singaporeans;
- to bridge current affairs with young people's understandings of the issues of the day; and
- to inspire original content based on giving young people a voice.
we are really very grateful to the editorial team at the SPH, and to the teachers and students of the schools who have supported SORBET.
to God be the Glory.