(deep breath)
okie! i've decided to take the plunge with skypecasts :-)
i can think of no better excuse to commemorate this endeavour with skypecast-hosting than to allow you to listen in, live, to the oral defence of my PhD research on adolescent spatial cognition.
long-time readers of this blog will know that my initial forays into my doctoral research were driven by my interests in social software (only later did i realise that what i was researching was not actually the software side of things, but the heartware). so, once again, as with the blog voyeurism, as with the wiki voxpopuli, there's no better way to talk about social software than to get one's hands dirty by actually using it.
thus i will attempt to bring you what might well be the very first PhD oral defence skypecast ever :-P
God willing, this will take place at the following time (please try your best not to get confused by the time zones)
- Singapore time (Thursday 21 September 9 am)
- Greenwich Mean Time (Thursday 21 September 1 am)
- US Eastern Daylight Time (Wednesday 20 September 9 pm)
- US Pacific Daylight Time (Wednesday 20 September 6 pm)
don't fret if you won't be free at this time - i'm hoping to record the session too and upload it as an enhanced podcast, together with the slides that i'll be using in my presentation.
now, because i am such a control freak (and also because i don't wish to disappoint you), i'm going to do a rehearsal (of sorts) for this, by also presenting my class this coming Tuesday (or Monday, depending on which part of the world you're listening in from) as a skypecast.
specifically, it's my QCG521 class with postgraduate pre-service teacher-trainees, which is about teaching Social Studies in secondary schools in Singapore. as this is only our class's third session, i'll be talking in very general terms about the rationale behind the subject and its syllabus, as well as giving them some background as to how the syllabus was implemented, and (time permitting) go on to an overview of source-usage in Social Studies.
the timing of this earlier skypecast will be as follows:
- Singapore time (Tuesday 19 September 12:30 pm)
- Greenwich Mean Time (Tuesday 19 September 4:30 am)
- US Eastern Daylight Time (Tuesday 19 September 12:30 am)
- US Pacific Daylight Time (Monday 18 September 9:30 pm)
this session will be two hours in duration, and will not be recorded for podcast.
if you can make either skypecast, or if you have any queries on the topics, please feel free to leave me a comment and i'll try my best to clarify things :-)
please note that for both skypecasts, i will be using my MacBook Pro's built-in microphone, so please do not expect stunning sound quality.
more importantly, please also note that i'll be configuring both skypecasts such that listeners will not have speaking privileges. this is because for the oral defence itself (for which the earlier skypecast is technically a rehearsal for), i am only supposed to be questioned by my examiners - even the physically assembled guests in the audience are not supposed to speak. i do apologise for this, and, if i feel that the skypecasts are feasible and worth exploring further, i will likely consider making them more interactive subsequently.
for now, however, mum's the word.
Technorati Tags: cognition, constructivism, discourse, education, geography, globalization, landmarks, learning, maps, multiliteracies, navigation, place, quantum classroom®, semiotics, Singapore, skypecast, TLLM, viva, Vygotsky, wayfinding