our team is deeply humbled to be presented with the opportunity to share our work on the affordances of Generative AI for meaningful teaching and learning, during UNESCO’s second annual flagship event Digital Learning Week, session on 'Leveraging AI for personalized learning and assessment', later this year in Paris.
Digital Learning Week was launched in 2023, building on the foundation of UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week over the past decade. The annual event is recognized as one of the “UN Intergovernmental and Multi-Stakeholder Digital Cooperation Bodies and Forums” to convene the community of digital education leaders, policy-makers, researchers and practitioners from various organizations, including UN agencies, governments, NGOs and the private sector. Digital Learning Week presents a unique opportunity to participate in dynamic and thought-provoking discussions, dialogue and the sharing of groundbreaking ideas, and to foster meaningful co-creation and collaborative efforts to advance the digital transformation of education and to “reimagine our future together.”
Digital Learning Week 2024 aims to promote multi-stakeholder cooperation towards a human-centred and climate-friendly design and use of AI in education, with a specific focus on exploring the interlinkages between digital transformation and greening education.
To surface best practices and facilitate knowledge sharing, UNESCO is focusing on regulations or policies that have been adopted and released, projects that have been implemented at scale, or platforms or AI tools that have been developed and put in use. The selection of proposals was highly competitive as only 70 submissions were retained from more than 500 proposals received.
our session is titled Students investigating their own learning: the Life2Well Project and the development of literacies in AI and Data Science as a case example from Singapore.
we acknowledge this blessing and privilege is from God, to Whom we give thanks and praise.