i am happy to share that my team and i have published a paper documenting their work themed on music education in Education Sciences, 13(5), in the section Technology enhanced education, in the special issue Game-based learning and gamification for education - series 2.
our paper is titled Melody Mystery: learning music theory through escape room puzzles, and its abstract reads:
This paper explores the use of escape room puzzles and instructional scaffolding in teaching novice learners about basic music theory. This study used Shaffer's epistemic frames in games as the basis for its experiment, combined with the use of technology-based scaffolding. We examined how effective it is to engage and motivate novice learners when they are made to mimic the role of an expert in music and solve problems using knowledge and skills in the subject. We find positive responses from participants’ attitudes toward music theory and the ability to retain knowledge of the subject, as well as evidence that proves games can have significant effects on motivation in the learning process.