documenting Disciplinary Intuitions and the Six Learnings framework for curricular design in fictive worlds and virtual environments.
Second Life, the inSL logo and Linden Lab are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.
the blog voyeurism, the podcast ventriloquy, and Raymaker Land Management are all not affiliated with, or sponsored by, Linden Research.
this morning, my team and i were very grateful to be afforded the opportunity to share work from some of my students at the intersection of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, to members of the AI for Education workgroup of the Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, during their work retreat.
we are grateful to the workgroup for extending the invitation to us :-)
here's a recording of my very first sharing of our team's perspective on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning and Computer Vision in education.
i was privileged to be invited to share during the 21st International Conference on Education Research which has been taking place over the past two days. ICER 2021 is hosted by Seoul National University, to whom i remain very grateful for the trust they extended to me.
through God’s grace alone, my team and i received the news today that we have been awarded a grant by the National Institute of Education. titled Designing for the nurturing of new norms of social responsibility with the Socially Responsible Behaviour through Embodied Thinking (SORBET) Project, the quantum of the grant is just over US$77600.
we are especially grateful to our two external Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PIs) from the Educational Technology Division and the Curriculum Policy Office of the Ministry of Education, as well as to our other external Co-PIs - one of whom is a Senior Consultant / Clinical Epidemiologist from the Department of Epidemiology at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and the other is the Head, Large Innovation Platform – Antibody and Product Development Lab, Bioinformatics Institute, Experimental Drug Development Centre at A*STAR.
it looks to be a wonderfully exciting and meaningful journey ahead of us. all thanks be to God.
i have been invited to share on the topic of Creating authentic learning environments and experiences during this year's 5th Tomorrow's Education Summit, which is online event organised for school administrators and teachers based in Turkey.
the event will be held on the 21st of November, and is organised as a social enterprise carried out by education activists who have come together to design the future of education, carrying out educational activities without being affiliated with any institution / organization.
my team and i have been afforded the wonderful privilege of working together with the Multi-centric Education, Research and Industry STEM Centre at the National Institute of Education (meriSTEM@NIE) to help teachers in Indonesia build digital literacy among their students over the next three years.
meriSTEM@NIE has - in turn - been afforded a mandate by the Temasek Foundation to partner with Prestasi Junior International to build professional capacity among 200 teachers in West Java in STEM curriculum design and implementation, with a focus on digital literacy.
our team's role is primarily to work alongside friends from Amazon Web Services to bring in their DeepRacer project, with a view to introduce coding and computational thinking through playing with DeepRacer.
this opportunity is a singular privilege which we are so proud and happy to receive.
further to my post from last month, i am happy to share that the Senior Manager from the Singapore Polytechnic who our team is hosting as his Industrial Attachment, has been afforded the opportunity to share his thoughts on experiential learning.
the webinar will be hosted by the Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, and will take place on the 26th of October. The sharing will focus on how he led and facilitated the implementation of various experiential learning programmes at his school.
if you are interested, please register by the 21st.
my team is responding to an invitation extended by the organisers of EDUtech Asia 2021 to faculty of member institutions of the Association of Southeast Asian Teacher Education (AsTEN) to share work.
EDUtech Asia runs from the 9th till the 11th of November 2021.
the team has decided to share early work in Computer Vision / Machine Learning, which was conceptualised by a pair of students whom we mentor. Our sharing is titled Investigating aquatic ecosystems with Computer Vision, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things. It is an inquiry-driven project catalysed by their observations of a school pond.
my team and i are very excited to share that we have been afforded the opportunity to share our early and ongoing work at the intersection of physiological stress, local microclimate, wearables and Data Science, during the conference of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) which runs from the 25th of February till the 1st of March 2022.
our paper on Investigating the relationship between physiological stress and environmental factors through Data Science, the Internet of Things and DIY wearables has been invited to be part of a symposium on the 25th of February organised by Ast/P Guiming Zhang from the University of Denver and Ast/P Xi Gong from the University of New Mexico. My co-authors are Nguyen Duc Minh Anh and Nguyen Thien Minh Tuan.
the theme of the symposium is Human Dynamics Research: Mining Human Dynamics with Big Data, and it is sponsored by the Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) specialty group, the Geographic Information Science and Systems specialty group, and the Cyberinfrastructure specialty group of the AAG, as part of the 8th Symposium on Human Dynamics Research.
Dr Gong is a faculty member of the Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, at the UNM Center for the Advancement of Spatial Informatics Research and Education (ASPIRE). Dr Zhang is a faculty member of the Department of Geography and the Environment at his university. Together, they describe the symposium as follows:
With the advancement of information and communication technologies (ICT), location-aware technology, and mobile technology, data about human behaviors and interactions in physical, virtual, and network space has been generated at an unprecedented scale. The so-called big data bring in both opportunities and challenges for understanding, modeling, and predicting human dynamics. On one hand, the big data are collected from ubiquitous data sources (social media data, volunteered geographic information - VGI, sensor data, GPS tracks, transaction records, etc.); the data can cover aspects and scales of the human dynamics that are unseen from traditional data. On the other hand, revealing meaningful spatio-temporal patterns are challenging due to the high volume, velocity, and variety nature of the big data. Recent cutting-edge techniques such as data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) open up new opportunities for unveiling the hidden spatio-temporal and network patterns of human dynamics in the big data.
This session welcomes both methodological research on mining human dynamics with big data and human dynamics applications utilizing big data. Potential session topics include, but not limited to: • Mining, detecting, or modeling human dynamics in physical, virtual or network space using big data (such as social media data, VGI, sensor data, GPS tracks, and transaction data). • Algorithm design/optimization for mining human dynamics in big data. • Spatio-temporal analytics of human dynamics using big data. • Comparison of big data and traditional data in human dynamics research. • Innovative data sources and data collection methods for human dynamics research. • Data quality and privacy issues of big data in human dynamics research. • Visualization of human dynamic patterns in big data. • Predicting human dynamics based on historical pattern analysis on big data.