today sees the start of two-and-a-half weeks' of commemorative events (collectively known as SL18B) celebrating the eighteenth anniversary of the main grid of Second Life coming out of beta :-)
the annual celebrations are always something i look forward to, and i have participated by contributing installations in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2020.
this year, i had not anything new to share with fellow residents, but i felt prompted to participate nonetheless.
inspired by this year's theme of 'hidden worlds', i designed and built a simple installation dedicated to all those who have contributed wonderful and awesome aquatic and marine ecosystems in the waters and oceans all over Second Life, over these past eighteen years.
titled 'Beneath the waves', i tried my best to represent the vertical zonations of the littoral, the reef, the neritic, and the demersal.
Beneath the waves is also dedicated to the memory of Ebbe Altberg.
Beneath the waves is located at SL18B Incredible. when you visit, do consider visiting the two parcels immediately to the east and west of the installation.
adjoining Beneath the waves to the east is an installation representing the Second Life Endowment for the Arts. The SLEA is the spiritual successor to the former Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA), a decade-long partnership with the arts community that aimed to help new artists, cultivate art in SL, and foster innovation, collaboration and education.
adjoining Beneath the waves to the west is an installation representing the Second Life Coast Guard. The goal of the SLCG is to teach those interested, real life safe boating courses from within the virtual world.
SL18B runs till the 6th of July.