ten years' ago to the day, i helped colleagues from the Ministry of Education work with teachers from the local schools on what was then an exploratory foray in to the affordances for learning of Second Life.
from those early beginnings, the Six Learnings curriculum design framework helped us realise and define Disciplinary Intuitions as a theory of learning, which we articulated - together with our learning infrastructure of Maker Motes - in 2015.
today, Disciplinary Intuitions remains at the heart of all the interventions of my team with schools, be they manifested in terms of game-based learning, the Internet of Things and / or Augmented Reality.
my team and i are deeply grateful to God for giving us the guidance and strength each day to walk this journey.
we would also like to take the opportunity to thank all the teachers and students whom we have worked alongside, and all the school leaders and MOE officers who have given us your support, over the past ten years. you know who you are.
thank you, for having been so open-minded.
[13 November 2021 update: the decade's journey has been documented in a Springer publication here]
to God be the glory!