if you happen to be at the International Conference on Education Research (ICER), which is taking place this week in Seoul, do catch an advance copy of a book which i have been co-editing with my colleagues, entitled Adaptivity as a transformative disposition for learning in the 21st century. It's at Springer's booth, and my publisher Lawrence Liu would be happy to help you :-)
the chapters i co-wrote are:
- Lim, K. Y. T. and M. Y. C. Ong, The Six Learnings framework: exploring the dialectics of intuition and adaptivity in citizenship education
- Cheah, H. M. and K. Y. T. Lim, Fostering adaptivity through systemic reform: Transforming education through the framework of ‘Preparing Student Abilities and Competencies through Education in Singapore (PACES)’
- Hung, D., K. Y. T. Lim and S.-S. Lee. Diffusing Adaptivities through Micro-Cultures of 21st century Learning Practices and Teacher Professionalism
- Hung, D., K. Y. T. Lim and A. Jamaludin, An epistemic shift: a Literacy of Adaptivity as critical for 21st century learning
- S.-S. Lee, D. Hung, K. Y. T. Lim and I. Shaari. Learning adaptivity across contexts
- Hung, D., S.-S. Lee and K. Y. T. Lim, Adaptivities in the Singapore Education System: from Great to Excellent
Thank you, Lawrence!