all thanks be to God :-)
i'll be able to attend the Royal Geographical Society's annual international conference - on the theme of 'The Geographical Imagination' - from 31 August to 2 September 2011 :-)
the conference is hosted by the Society in collaboration with the Institute of British Geographers, and will be at the Society's premises in London.
the first paper is titled 'The Love Boat Rebooted – the Seafaring Community aboard the SS Galaxy in Second Life', and will be part of a larger session organised by Ladan Cockshut, namely '"Getting lost on the way to Farmville" Virtual, mobile and online spaces of interaction: Exploring the emerging geography and culture of new media technologies'.
the second paper is titled 'Terra Incognita – Design Considerations for a Field Studies Centre in Second Life', and will be part of a larger session organised by Jennifer Hill, Mark McGuiness and Heather Winlow, namely 'Great escapes: encouraging the geographical imagination in informal settings'.
i'll post more details as soon as i know of them :-)
i hope to meet some of you there, perhaps :-)