this video commemorates the Community Gateway of the cruise liner SS Galaxy in Second Life.
the Gateway welcomed newbies and provided them with an Orientation experience, between 11 May 2009 and 19 August 2010. in total, approximately 25000 new avatars visited the Gateway over this period.
the cruise liner SS Galaxy herself remains open to welcome you, as part of the United Sailing Sims adjoining the Blake Sea in Second Life.
the soundtrack to the video is an original composition by Ludvaig Lindman, and is entitled Seasons - Piano Solo.
the accompanying Flickr set is here.
the Orientation was designed and built by DBDigital Epsilon, Sanspareil London, Dacob Paine, kirilvalkanov Runner, NikolaDamyano Absent, and Veritas Raymaker.
volunteers included alf Nagy, Avotar Newey, Connor Whitman, Crystalmom Bunnyhug, Drago Xenga, esti Brandi, JC Macintyre, Kureha Emerald, LuNaTiX Rossini, Mikhail Zeitman, ricky Rebane, Shadow Faith, and sporting Arriaga.
the Captain and crew of the SS Galaxy owe a debt of gratitude to all who invested of their time and energy to make the Community Gateway of Galaxy Quest a place where so many happy memories were made :-)