next week sees the start of a fortnight of commemorative events (collectively known as SL5B) celebrating the fifth anniversary of Second Life :-)
Singapore will have at least two representative presences at SL5B, both in the SL5B Prim sim, which has a focus on Asian culture.
here's a sneak preview of my plot, which is more than twenty times smaller than the other Singaporean presence :-)
because i've got more than twenty times fewer prims to play with than the other folks, and because the entire Asian Culture area itself is populated with various Oriental and Oriental-esque builds of varying authenticity, i needed a way to distinguish the land parcel. it wasn't that difficult, in the end; i drew inspiration from a ruthless interpretation of the very name of the sim that the parcel sits on.
come Monday, please do feel free to visit Temasek's land parcel at SL5B Prim. as you can see from the photo, it's about fifty metres east of the Asian Culture Infohub - that's the Infohub and Meeting Area built over the water.
Temasek's land parcel actually has a very interesting site, sandwiched as it is between the Asian Culture Large Art Area and Apachie Bachem's Free Burma exhibit (Apachie's is the plot with the cattle and coconut palm).