the one hundred and fifty-first episode of ventriloquy features the creative talent of Second Life fashion-designer Nicky Ree, who is featured in this month's issue of Her World.
Nicky is a Singaporean with Peranakan roots. You can learn more about Peranakan culture in this 3.1 MB download, and by visiting Nicky's Peranakan Corner at Hyperborea.
Nicky has very kindly agreed to grace Temasek with her very diverse portfolio, so i have given her two fora at which to display her wares. for formalwear, you can find her vendors at the Temasek Visitors' Centre. over at Kampung Laut - the fishing village - you'll find a selection of her beachwear :-)
this episode is dedicated to the life and memory of my fellow Peranakan, fellow teacher, and friend - Kelvin Tan Chay Hon (1972 - 2008). Requiescat semper in pace.