the one hundred and forty-ninth episode of ventriloquy brings you news of a busy weekend of building at Temasek.
Temasek is the region in Second Life that will showcase the culture, history and ecology of Singapore. it is being designed and built by the team of architects i have commissioned, namely Limkopi Davis, Derekcsy Cortes, Lim Pikajuna, Lonewolf Switchblade and Sanspareil London.
needless to say, i have been helped along the way by so many more people than just the preceding five. i have, and will continue to blog and podcast about the support and encouragement that i have received. today, in this 3.9 MB episode, special mention goes to Felixx Shepherd, for so skilfully and generously helping me with the intertidal mudflats :-)
thank you, Felixx :-)
[update: as of 30 May, i have decided to acknowledge Felixx's untiring initiative, by recognising him as Temasek's sixth architect :-) ]
a cold and wet morning at Temasek, watching the waves refract around one of the bays.