i bought a house yesterday.
more specifically, i bought a parcel of land, which already had a house built there.
i really don't need another reason to increase my monthly land tiers, but this parcel of land - and its house - was way too good to pass up.
Second Life introduced me to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. his iconic Fallingwater from 1935 has inspired several builders in SL, some of which have interpreted the design more literally than others.
much as i have been tempted to, i have been holding off buying these builds because i've never found the quality up to levels congruent with the high asking price.
i'm glad i resisted the temptation in the past, because a couple of days' ago, i finally found the Wright-interpretation that i intuitively knew i had been waiting for.
i don't want to spoil the surprise, but it possesses all the structural elements i had been seeking in such a build. all that would have been well and good, but given the extremely rigorous standards i've been setting myself with regards purchases of property, i still would not have bitten.
what swung it for me was that the house was a bespoke build designed in harmony with some very dramatic terraforming. the architect and landscape artist is Alex Bader - someone whom i had not heard of, till now. it's typical of the really talented to keep a low profile with regards personal publicity.
i could go on about Alex's genius, but i think i'll just let his own web presence do the talking :-)
if you would like to know more about Frank Lloyd Wright, do consider visiting this page, which is part of the art interest group Artsy. The dedicated page provides visitors with Wright's bio, over ten of his works, exclusive articles, and up-to-date Wright exhibition listings. The page also includes related artists and categories.

The Cliff House
[update: on October 19th, 2009, i left Skye for Cassiar]