it's a month to Christmas!
while we are not yet in the season of Advent, it's never too early to make room in our hearts for our Risen Lord, and to invite Him into our lives.
if you are looking for a Christmas tree through which to share His love and blessings with others, please do consider Sue Stonebender's Silent Night Tree. As Sue explains, the Tree is part of the Second Life Ubuntu project, in which a proportion (in this case, 25 percent) of the proceeds from sales of participating products will go towards microfinancing schemes in Real Life.
you can read more about it in her 22 February blog entry, in Prim Perfect's 10 April write-up, and most recently in Sue's extended FAQ.
Sue's talents are, of course, not limited to Christmas trees :-) she is best known for Intemptesta Nox, which was the home sim of the (now defunct) Opéra Populaire - itself inspired by the Palais Garnier in Paris.
why not get your Christmas trees and visit the new Opera House while you're there :-)
on a totally different topic, if you happen to be free at 6 pm SLT on 29 November (2 am GMT 30 November; 10 am Singapore 30 November), then do consider going to Spaceport Bravo to attend a ninety-minute talk by Jamais Cascio on the Metaverse Roadmap. the talk is the second in the Metaverse Meetup series organised by (former Linden) Lys Ware (RL: Henrik Bennetsen), who is the research director over at the Stanford Humanities Lab.
here's the abstract of the talk:
>> The Metaverse -- what does it include, where is it going, and how will it change our lives? Based on my work for the Metaverse Roadmap Overview, I'll look both at the underlying technologies of the Metaverse and at the social, cultural and economic impacts it could have.
you can RSVP via Facebook.
oh! i took my first WindLight pic today :-)
looking down on my apartment at Solafirma, from 300 metres