the eighty-third episode of ventriloquy is inspired by Professor Emeritus Seymour Papert, who now lies in a coma after being hit by a motorbike two days' ago.
i consider how Professor Papert's work over the decades has impacted learning in general, and my philosophy as a teacher in particular.
in this 3.8 MB download, i also reflect upon how life's blindsides can work out in less sombre ways as well, such as has been demonstrated to me over the past two days by the dramatic spike in visitorship at this blog :-P
Seymour Papert, as seen earlier this year at a telecentre in Uruguay
[picture credit:, used in accordance with their Creative Commons license]
Show notes:
- Logo programming language (wikipedia entry)
- Papert's 1993 Mindstorms: children, computers, and powerful ideas
- LEGO Mindstorms NXT