i've recently added a so-called 'clustrmap' (from clustrmaps.com) to the sidebar of this blog.
it's quickly growing to be as addictive a service (and educational tool) as Google Earth.
it's only been a week, and already it has revealed to me that i have had visitors from (amongst others) Kenya, Morocco, Iraq, Romania and Venezuela! :-)
it's also revealed to me that i've got more hits from the Midwestern United States, than i have had from California.
this means that just in the space of one week, this blog has been visited by at least one person from each of the seven continents on this planet (bar Antarctica).
i would like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to visit this blog. thank you.
it's quite strange and fascinating how clustrmaps, on the one hand, give the lie to the Flat Earth thesis, yet on the other, are prove positive of the strength of the arguments of Globalisation 3.0.
such concurrent states of existence at different ends of spatial scale characterise, in my opinion, my nebulous thoughts on what i've termed 'the quantum classroom®'.