exactly ten years ago, to the day, i established my web presence.
voyager's vistas was a simple collection of html files - the roots of which are still discernible from my homepage even today.
to commemorate the occasion, i've switched to a nostalgic stylesheet design for this blog.
more than that, i'm extremely pleased to be able to bring you video footage of the world's largest commercial airliner - the Airbus A380 - as it completed its inaugural long-distance flight. F-WWOW flew from Toulouse to Singapore, where it spent about fourteen hours. Singapore Airlines will be the first to fly the A380, when it enters service in October 2007.
i end the thirty-third episode of ventriloquy (at 31.1 MB) with a brief trip down memory lane, listing the highlights in my life, for each of the past ten years.
please do join me in this very special celebration of a decade online :-)