had a meeting with Allan today - hadn't seen him in a month.
i showed him the cut of the first three chapters (rewritten from a Vygotskyian perspective) and he was pleased. Thank God :-)
he said i'm ready to start putting the entire thesis together :-)
of course, the chapters from the previous iteration of the thesis are already written, so there's a bit of rejigging i have to do:
- write in the present tense, then transit appropriately to the past tense
- remove bulleted lists (especially of long paragraphs)
- come up with a Gantt chart and simple list of data outputs for the Methods chapter (as for my Lit Review chapter, he said i write well enough for the Lit Review to be embedded throughout the thesis, so there's no explicit chapter just for that :-P )
- instead of the current form in which i present the results in one chapter, followed by the analysis thereof, i'm supposed to organise the remaining chapters around parts of the intervention, and analyse the data portion by portion across multiple chapters. this is because there's simply too much data to be presented all at one shot in one chapter.
i'll get to work :-)