today was the presentation ceremony for the award winners for this year's HP INIT and the Learn@Quest competitions.
it was held at the Ministry of Education's Edutorium, and the Guest-of-Honour was MOE's Deputy Secretary (Policy) - Mr Chan Yeng Kit.
it was very exciting to see the presentations from several of the award winners, specifically 'The Fellowship Project: an integrated learning forum' from Pasir Ris Secondary School (which used Tolkein's 'Lord of the Rings' to draw parallels with modern history), 'Solving crimes based on unique features of human beings' from Fuhua Primary School, and 'Designing a paper glider that flies the longest distance' from Dunman Secondary School.
i was especially intrigued by the efforts of Tan Yuh Huann and Mdm Teo Eng Hui (from Beatty Secondary School and Nan Chiau High School respectively), on 'Online student reading portfolio using blogs'. These two pioneers in education technology in Singapore have been responsible for setting up an exciting new website:
do check it out :-)
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